I am delighted to welcome Richard Quintana-Feliciano to the Warren Lab as a Research Associate. Richard worked with Dr. Vivian Colón-López at the University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus (MSC) conducting public health research on cancer and Human Papilloma Virus. He also worked with Dr. Tyra C. Bryant-Stephens at the University of Pennsylvania studying asthma. Furthermore, he worked with Dr. Karen G. Martínez-González at the University of Puerto Rico, MSC for two years conducting clinical and translational research on anxiety disorders. He then worked for two years as a post-baccalaureate fellow at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). At NIDA, he worked in the lab of Dr. Bruce Hope under the mentorship of Dr. F. Javier Rubio conducting basic research studying neuronal ensembles activated after cue-induced reinstatement of cocaine and heroin seeking. His goals include pursuing a PhD and a career in Academia.